Board of Directors
Senior Tennis Players Club Board
From our Bylaws: "The control, business and management of the affairs of STPC shall be entrusted to and vested in the Board of Directors….
The Board will elect its officers, who shall also be the officers of the STPC. Operations of the STPC shall be carried out by the officers and individuals or committees as specified in these Bylaws."
Interested in serving on the Board?
The Directors serve without pay. The reward for service is the satisfaction of knowing you are making a meaningful contribution to the important work of the club. Our members benefit from your work by the mental, physical, and social improvement gained by participation in our club's activities.
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Current Board Members:
President: Katie Grove 812-219-7008
Vice-President (Membership, Team Tennis): David Minke 612-757-624
Secretary (Long Range Planning, Dow): Tom Worthington 612-812-6687
Treasurer (Audit, Men's Flex League): Mark Thompson 515-269-9788
Alice Douthwaite (Socials, Newsletter): 763-954-1392
Diane Bundlie (e-Update, Marketing, Women and Mixed Flex Leagues): 612-886-5953
Kevin Veenstra (Drills, Group Play, Webmaster): 651-695-1706
John Bantle (Board Nominations): 651-699-9724
Rolf Krogstad (Team Tennis): 612-597-7249
John Denis: 982-884-0194
Non-Board Volunteers:
Steve Bruell (Webmaster emeritus): 319-331-6036
Jon Holmgren: 612-702-7509
Brian Kretsch (Advisor): 651-645-6399
Mike Woolsey : 952-937-2546