Find friends to play with every week
We have groups that play winter and summer. Most summer groups are drop in and most winter groups have scheduled players. We also offer Summer "Flex Leagues" and "Team Tennis".
Learn about Group Play, Flex Leagues, and Team Tennis.
Low-cost drills
Improve your game and your tennis skills with 90-minute drills.
These drills have a small fee (to cover the cost of the courts and professional instructors).
Save on club and court fees!
We negotiate deals with local clubs. In most cases, you do not have to join the club to play in an STPC group and often the court fees are reduced, too.
Compete in tennis tournaments
Our big tournament of the year is the Jack Dow Round Robin. This is held in early May, with divisions for each skill level. You can play in Men's Doubles, Women's Doubles, or Mixed Doubles.
See our Tournaments
Have fun at social events
We have "tennis parties" or "socials" that combine tennis with time to socialize and enjoy snacks.
All of our parties are low-cost, relying on dedicated members to do the necessary work.
Stay connected. Get our newsletters.
Do you want to keep up with all the tennis playing and social events we have coming up? We have two newsletters to keep you updated, including E-Update and Senior Tennis Times.
eUpdate is the lighter version. It features upcoming drills, clinics and events and short articles on tennis. It is delivered by MailChimp monthly.
Here's an example of what an eUpdate looks like: eUpdate Sample
Senior Tennis Times
Our Senior Tennis Times newsletter is published 3 times a year and features upcoming drills, group play, and events-PLUS more in-depth news and tennis coverage.
The Senior Tennis Times is available to non-members in the online. Only members can receive the print version. Here's an example. Senior Tennis Times Sample